What is Your Number?

by | Oct 11, 2016 | News and Updates


I recently came across an article that emphasized the importance of reaching a specific savings threshold for retirement. While savings certainly play a crucial role in retirement planning, they often take a backseat to other financial priorities throughout life. What such articles often overlook is the significance of leveraging controllable factors in retirement planning. The timing and coordination of these resources can significantly impact the longevity of your assets.

For instance, consider someone who opts to retire at 62 with insufficient savings. While taking Social Security early may seem like a solution, it could lead to asset depletion if they live a long life. Conversely, delaying Social Security until 70 may offer greater cash flow later on but could exacerbate the problem of dwindling liquid assets. In either scenario, relying solely on savings or Social Security isn’t sufficient for a lifetime of financial security.

An often overlooked resource is continued employment. By strategically combining Social Security benefits, savings, and income from work, individuals can better align their resources with their expected lifespan. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, maximizing the potential of all available resources is key.

Retirement Resource Management was founded with the aim of helping individuals integrate and optimize their various retirement assets. Retirement isn’t just about reaching a specific savings target; it’s about crafting a plan that maximizes the potential of every resource at your disposal. We’re here to guide you through this process and help you achieve your retirement goals.

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