A Birthday Message

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Uncategorized

A happy birthday message for Retirement Resource Management

Happy Birthday, Retirement Resource Management!

Eight years ago, in July 2016, I founded Retirement Resource Management to help people maximize their retirement savings and pass on as much as possible to their heirs. Little did I know how complex this mission would be.

Throughout my 31-year career in retirement planning, I initially focused on portfolios, which, while important, leave much to chance. Over time, my process evolved from simple income planning to a comprehensive 12-step approach. When asked how I differ from a broker or financial advisor, I explain that I educate my clients on all factors impacting retirement, not just assets. Your budget, inflation, and longevity significantly affect retirement quality. Creating a sustainable income plan lets you confidently enjoy retirement. Knowing when to start Social Security impacts you and your spouse, and planning for healthcare, including Long-Term Care, is crucial. Evaluating your current housing and its suitability for in-home care is part of the process.

Recently, taxes have become a primary focus due to the shift from pensions to 401(k) plans, which brings unintended consequences that require strategic planning. Most people will face incapacitation, so having documents for seamless care is essential. Establishing a legacy plan early ensures it can be implemented before health issues arise. Communicating these plans to the family is vital for decision-making and conflict avoidance. Finally, regular reviews are necessary to adapt to tax laws and financial changes.

While I am not an expert in all areas, strategic partnerships allow me to provide quality connections for all 12 steps. I am grateful for these partnerships, which have helped me become well-known from Maryland to Florida. I appreciate the attorneys ensuring proper estate plans, CPAs that understand the cumulative impact taxes have on income, WHHI-TV in Hilton Head for providing a platform to share retirement insights, and Stonewood Financial for their excellent software. Training for Capsur and Terry Register has deepened my understanding of advanced planning strategies. Special thanks to my incredible assistant, Morgan Wylie, who manages my office, emails, website, and events.

Reflecting on the past eight years, I cherish the positive feedback from my events and referrals, especially the gratitude for helping people understand their retirement plans better. I plan to host more virtual events, though I will still offer in-person events. Thank you to my clients for your trust and for making each birthday possible. For those considering my services, feel free to schedule a complimentary initial consultation to see how I can help you maximize your retirement. Here’s to many more birthday celebrations for Retirement Resource Management!

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